Livraison de repas à Las Terrenas
Komida !

Aéroport de St Domingue Las Terrenas

Mercredi 8 Mars 2017

Arrive par le vol TUI Fly de 16:30

Non renseigné
Anne-marie Cosy

cherche covoiturage ou partage taxi le 8 mars pour LT, arrivée par le vol TUIFly de Bruxelles vers 16hr30 (2 personnes + bagages).

Anne-Marie Cosy


  • Carola Staley
    Arriving 15:30 American Airlines from Miami. 2 persons 2 bags.
  • Anne-marie Cosy
    Hi Carola, I booked a taxi and we are still 3 persons + the driver. I just sent an email to ask him whether he can pick up 2 more persons. Stay tune...
  • Anne-marie Cosy
    I just received the answer from the driver and it's OK for him. The total price is 150$, and we will be 5, that is 30$ per person. If you are interrested, let me know and we will exchange our fly information and fix a meeting point in the airport.
  • Carola Staley
    Hi, yes I'm interested. American Airlines flight 1481 from Miami arriving 15:38. Thanks!
  • Anne-marie Cosy
    OK, our fly is TUI Fly TB301 from Brussels arriving at 16:15. I propose to meet at Claro phone boutique at right side, behind the escalator. We have a big kiteboard bag (1m40 long) black & blue. We will also have a sign with LAURA because we also waiting a girl from France arriving from Madrid. I will give you the driver's name & phone number tomorrow. Anne-Marie (from Belgium)
  • Anne-marie Cosy
    Hi Carola, can you drop me a private message on FB so I can send you the driver's name & phone number ?
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